Website log


20th Jan: This was the day we started our project. First  we didn’t know where to start, but after a few ideas we finally decided to make a website (A Webquest).  We decided to do it about getting to know the english better. We made a start and we put the main things on it: The introduction, A few pictures and the classification.

27th Feb: I searched for the information and Koen converted it in proper English and placed it on the website. We had quite long time to do that, however we didn’t have time enough to finish it all, so we arranged another time to do it. (We still had to put in: British traditions, Cities in Great Britain and other details).

17th March : We only had to put in a few more things. We converted the information in the website and started to think for questions. It was really hard to find unique questions and to find enough. Before we knew it I had to go home again, so we went on another day.

27th March : This was our last day, and our longest. We spend all day to finish our website and we succeeded, so we launched it on the public web.


It was hard to put in all the information, because we had to convert difficult English into easy English. However it was fun and we learned a lot of it. We had some difficulties at the beginning with the website-building program, but that worked out okay.We now know how to build a website!


This website can be used by anyone to educate.