Cities in Great Britain
London is the capital of the United Kingdom and England and is situated in the southeast England. The city of London already exists since 43 AD. At that time it was founded by the Romans. London has got more than 7,200,000 inhabitants and it is the biggest city in Europe. It is a city with a lot of sightseeing places. London is famous for these places and that’s why some many tourists visit London every year.
One of the great places to visit is Buckingham Palace, the palace of the queen of England.
The London Eye is also a very famous sightseeing place.The London Eye is a giant Ferris wheel. In total it is a whopping 135-metres across.
Big Ben is the nickname for the great bell of the clock at the Palace of Westminster in London. The great clock tower is already over 150 years old. It's a real must-see if you visit London.

The Big Ben in London, the London Eye can also be seen in the background.
Edinburgh is the capital and the largest city of Scotland. The city has around 475,000 inhabitants. Edinburgh is the national capital of Scotland since 1492.
The city is Nicknamed as Auld Reekie, which is Scottish for Old Smoky, because when buildings were heated by coal and wood fires, chimneys would have thick black smoke comming out of them.
One of the most exceptional things about the city is Edinburgh Castle, a beautiful castle that looks over the whole of Edinburgh. Nowadays the castle is a museum. From the castle to the palace, which belongs to the queen, runs a road which is exactly one mile long. This road is called ‘The Royal Mile. There are loads of shops and in the summer holiday it’s loaded with tourists

The city of Edinburgh. Edinburgh Castle can be seen on the left.
Cardiff (Welsh; Caerdydd) is the capital of Wales. It is an important port city and has a population of about 315,000. Cardiff is situated near the river Taff and is the trade centre of Wales.
In 76 A.D. the Romans built a simple fort near the River Taff and the remains of that fort are nowadays still visible on the outside walls of Cardiff Castle. In 1956, Cardiff became official capital Wales.
Great places to visit in Cardiff are the castles, which are scrabled all around the city, and the Millenium Stadium. The Millenium Stadium is the national stadium of Wales and is home of the Wales national rugby team.

The city of Cardiff.
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